Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Is Natalie Portman really a vegetarian? This page says so! How disappointing. How depressing. How (fill in the blank). I guess I'm going to have to find a new hollywood hottie that I don't stand a chance with. I gots to have a girl who eats mean. That's probably why I prefer real girls, my friends for example, to surgically enhanced unrealistic beautiful people. Never-the-less Natalie Portman is still quite good looking. But looks will go away, so any kind of permanent relationship should never be base only on or even mostly on looks.

********** We interrupt This Blathering Blog Post To Bring The following Breaking News!************
I just ran the blogger.com spell checker... and it found a mistake... "that'd" which it suggested should be "teat" When really what I meant was "that's"
********** Now back to your regularly scheduled blathering*********

...What was I droning on about before I was so rudely interrupted? Oh yeah, real girls are better than the hollywood hotties we see on tv and in the movies.

********** We interrupt This Blathering Blog Post To Bring The following Breaking News!************
Blogger.com's very own spell checker doesn't reconize the work "blog"
********** Now back to your regularly scheduled blathering*********

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