Saturday, August 27, 2005


The PodBomb is back up... somewhat. I can't upload new and improved files. What the? Hey now! They told me it was fix! And I believed them when I could see my page online. But something ain't right 'bout this!

Opened a ticket online with the support group and got a responce back that "The issue on your server connection has been resolved you should be able to connect using your Dreamweaver program or the Control Panel." So I decided to fix a booboo I found, but could not. 550 error again.

Ok no more email, its time to play dirty and use the "Live Chat" feature! (Brew-HA_HA!! [evil supervillan laugh]) So next I got to sit through about half an hour of being told I'm up real soon.
Thank you for contacting Globat Support. A support agent will assist you shortly. You are number 1 in the queue. Your wait time will be approximately 3 minute(s) and 47 seconds
So who do I get on the Live Chat? My buddy "james" who had recently emailed telling me that he was able to upload to my account and that it worked just fine on his end. So now the fun starts... how to convince the already convinced that there really is something goofed up.
james: I saw your ticket
james: I just tried and we are able to uplosd to it
Inabeanpod: to the httpdocs directory?
james: Yes
Great. He thinks its working. Hmm... I'll believe it when I see it. I'll find out where he uploaded and what he uploaded. If I can find it, which I doubt, then the problem is possibly on my end where no changes were made (thus the problem probably isn't on my end).
Inabeanpod: which file did you upload?
james: I uploaded a 1.html file there before
Huh? Now why would he upload a file over the top of one of mine? That don't make no sence! This is not good. I can see file 1.html. Maybe he really did upload it. *Half-dim lightbulb pops on* I fire up in my favorite web browser and what do you know, its not his. It's mine! There's no way in the world that he would upload the exact same file that I already had there. *Lightbulb pops on* He tried to upload a file and he sees mine. Get him to upload a file, not named the same as one of mine, like 11.html, and see how he reacts when it doesn't go (Brew-Ha-Ha!! [evil supervillain laugh]).
Inabeanpod: Can you upload a file called 11.http?
james: Do you mean .html?
Inabeanpod: oops, yeah
james: I'll upload pne please wait
Sometime later...
james: Now it doesn't work
james: hmmm
james: I'll forward your support ticket to our system admins
Sweet! Progress! Victory is nearly at hand!
james: I just escalated your ticket to our system admins
james: It seems that it's still on read only
Inabeanpod: ok. will I keep the same ticket number?
james: Yes
Inabeanpod: Cool beans. Thanks for you help James.
james: You are welcome and have a good day!
All's well that ends well... especially if they get my account corrected and let me upload files agian! The directories under the one set as read only seemed ok, lets hope they don't get goofed up now as this gets corrected :)

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