Thursday, July 28, 2005


The fierce competition in the digital photography marketplace has prompted online photo service Shutterfly to find a way to lure customers: exclusive Web pages for storing and sharing pictures.

Dubbed Shutterfly Collections, the service lets customers create a maximum of two Web addresses that will be hosted on the company's Web site. The Web pages have a personalized URL and can store an unlimited number of photo albums, the Redwood City, Calif.-based company said Thursday.
Found on Cnet

Thats enought to snag me! I just signed up to see what this is all about. A couple things that caught my eye -- I use a program called Jalbum to create the photo gallery on my webpage. The skin I use links my photos to Shutterfly so you can print copies of my images if you are brave enough to make a print from the lower quality images I post. Also there is the unlimited number of photo albums... I'm hoping that means unlimited storage space. My web host gives me 2.5 Gigs of space which I could fill up with hi-rez photos quite quickly, that's what I post lower rez copies, to save space and all. Also Flickr limits me to 20 Megs a month of bandwidth, so I can only upload a hand full of photos there every month. I'm hoping Shutterfly allows me to upload gobs of hi-rez ditial photos.

Is Shutterfly going to be better than my own photo gallery or Flickr? I duno. Flickr is pretty cool with the whole "tags" thing. I'll just have to wait and see.

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