Friday, April 30, 2004

Good old Charlie Brown! I like this one. Maybe its because I think girls with red hair are particulary attractive. Maybe its because i've had a lot of nice girls move to far away places. Maybe its because I wish guys were aloud to cry infront of ladies and still be considered a man. Maybe its because Charlie and I have a couple things in common... our names and that girl we can't quite seem to figure out how to get ;)

A friend stoped by today and unplugged my basement drain with his basement drain unplugger! What a great birthday present! Now I can take showers and do my laundry again with out flooding the basement.


I've had no luck with:
But that's what I thought would happen. :) :)


Public education it's fun and it's free But it must not work just look at me -- Royal Ruckus

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