Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Download Quicktime and then view the Teaser Trailer at Starwars.com

Get QuickTime

So there you have it. A nice quick link to see the new Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith teaser trailer in all of its much more superior than Real Player, Quicktime format glory. That's right, Quicktime is better than Real Player or RealOne or whatever they are call that crummy software now. Quicktime good, Real bad. iTunes good, Real Player bad. Star Wars good, filling your desktop with Real Player icons bad.

1 comment:

@inabeanpod said...

I'm pretty sure I'll like the new trailer too... if I ever see it.

Truth, I don't get it. He's "hot" and he's a "bad boy" so you should be all over him. At least that's how I thought it worked. I mean, I'm not "hot" or a "bad boy" and the girls arn't all over me!

Anywho, here's the next desktop for your husband: http://macdesktops.com/index.phtml?uid=